About Insurance & Billing
Our Patient Billing Office, located at 3131 La Canada St, Suite 230, handles all questions regarding billing and insurance. Please call us at 702-990-4844 Monday through Friday, from 9:00am to 4:00pm to make a payment or ask any billing questions you may have.
Do you have a Zelle account? Now you can pay your account balance using Zelle! It’s quick, convenient, and hassle-free.
You MUST include your account number when sending your Zelle payment so we can credit the correct account.
Recipient: payments@childrensheartcenter.com
Or use Online Bill Pay HERE:
We are providers for all insurances, HMO and PPO plans; including Culinary, HPN, Tricare and all Nevada Medicaid plans. In addition, we are providers for many out of state Medicaid programs. Our office will bill all insurance plans at no charge to you.
Children’s Heart Center is aware that navigating the healthcare system can sometimes be frustrating and difficult. We will attempt to gather and verify the most current information we have regarding your insurance coverage prior to your visit. However, benefits can change frequently and we want our patients to understand their medical benefits and any out-of-pocket costs, so, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
If you do not have insurance coverage you may qualify for Nevada Medicaid, Nevada Check-Up or insurance through Health Care Exchange (effective 10/1/2013). If you would like to speak to one of our Patient Care Representatives please call our office at 702-732-1290. For additional information regarding Health Care Exchange, please visit www.NevadaHealthLink.com.
Questions: Please call us at 702-990-4844 Monday – Friday, from 9am to 4pm.